Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Is worthy of his lady; but here no man is a fair judge. In the four novels--"Waverley " "Guy Mannering " "The Antiquary " and "Rob Roy"--which we have studied the hero has always been a young poet. Waverley versified; so did Mannering; Lovel "had attempted a few lyrical pieces;" and in Osbaldistone's rhymes Scott parodied his own blast of that dread horn On Fontarabian echoes borne. All the heroes then have been poets and Osbaldistone's youth may have been suggested by Scott's memories of his own and of the father who "feared that he would never be better than a gangrel scrapegut. " Like Henry Morton in "Old Mortality " Frank Osbaldistone is on the political side taken by Scott's judgment not by his emotions. To make Di Vernon convert him to Jacobitism would have been to repeat the story of Waverley. Still he would have been more sympathetic if he had been.
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